Who’s Got Your Back?

The perception of safety in partnerships

Susie Kahlich
6 min readApr 30, 2023
Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash

[This account has been dormant for a while due to a swirling bunch of changes. Now that things are back on solid ground, I can get back to weekly posts! Hello!]

Last week I was a featured guest on the Dad La Soul podcast. Dad La Soul is a great social impact initiative founded by Dan Flanagan, tackling social isolation for dads.

I was there to talk about Pretty Deadly Self Defense, and the importance of learning self defense in general, especially for the female partners of the dads in Dad La Soul.

During the session, a great question came up: do we teach self defense to kids?

The short answer is: yes, we have a special program for kids. But the long answer is: no.

Photo by Tanya Trofymchuk on Unsplash

Let me explain.

The subject of the perception of safety among single women vs. partnered women happened to come up with a marketing agency that we had engaged several years ago. Our account representative told us that, ever since she got married, she felt she didn’t need to worry about her safety anymore.



Susie Kahlich

CEO of SINGE | Founder of Pretty Deadly Self Defense @ prettydeadlyselfdefense.com | Former producer of art podcast Artipoeus: art you can hear @ artipoeus.com