10 Things I Loved About the Barbie Movie
And the one thing I didn’t [Warning: SPOILERS!]
3 min readAug 2, 2023
Here are the 10 things I loved most about the Barbie Movie, in no particular order. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, stop reading here. But if you have seen it, well… if you know, you know ;)
- The White Guy Shuffle at the end of the “I’m Just Ken” choreography.
- The moment Will Farrell declares to the Mattell executives that humans in Barbieland can change things “beyond anything we can even imagine!” and the first thing they can imagine is a podcast (and the fact that the executives try to imagine anything at all, after literally just being told it’s beyond what anyone can imagine).
- Barbie hoping that “maybe one of the Barbies with leadership skills can step up and fix things and I’ll just wait”.
- The amount of laughter from the group of 20-something women sitting behind me in the theater while the Kens subject the Barbies to an interminable serenade of “Push” as though they’ve all lived that moment themselves.
- The soundtrack lyrics narrating the scenes, in the way little kids do when they play.